Signs are divided into three basic categories: Regulatory, Warning, & Guide signs. Most signs within each category have a special shape và color.
Bạn đang xem: What are the 3 types of traffic signs?
Regulatory Signs
Regulatory signs tell you what you must do, or must not do, according to the law. The regulations posted on these signs advise you about tốc độ limits, the direction of traffic, turning restrictions, parking restrictions, etc. If you vày not obey the messages on regulatory signs, you could be fined và receive points on your driving record because you are breaking the law. You also risk your safety and the safety of others by disobeying the messages on regulatory signs – for example, failing khổng lồ stop at a stop sign, passing another car where it is not safe to lớn pass, driving faster than the posted speed limit, or driving the wrong way on a one-way street.
Usually, regulatory signs are black and white vertical rectangles or squares, like SPEED LIMIT signs. Some regulatory signs are black, white, và red, like the NO LEFT TURN sign with a circle và slash. Other regulatory signs are red & white, like STOP, YIELD, bởi NOT ENTER và WRONG WAY signs.
The STOP sign is the only octagon-shaped (8-sided) sign you see on the highway. At an intersection with a STOP sign, you must stop completely, kiểm tra for pedestrians & cross traffic khổng lồ clear the intersection before you go again. Slowing down without coming to lớn a full stop is illegal.
When you see a crosswalk or a stop line (white top bar), stop before the front of your vehicle reaches the first painted line. If you cannot see traffic, yield to any pedestrians và then carefully pull forward past the line until you can see clearly. Check for traffic và pedestrians and then go ahead when the intersection is clear.
This sign is also used in conjunction with stop signs. This sign allows motorists to lớn make the right turn without stopping.
A FOUR-WAY STOP sign means there are four stop signs at this intersection. Traffic from all four directions must stop. The first vehicle lớn reach the intersection should move forward first. If two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left yields khổng lồ the driver on the right. If facing one another both can proceed with caution, watching for possible turns.
YIELD signs are triangular (3-sided) in shape. When you see this sign, you must slow down and check for traffic và give the right-of-way lớn pedestrians and approaching cross traffic. You stop only when it is necessary. Proceed when you can vày so safely without interfering with normal traffic flow. Remember, you must have a sufficient gap in traffic before you can continue on at either STOP or YIELD sign locations.
This sign is used in conjunction with a yield sign at a one-lane bridge or underpass location to alert motorists the one-lane roadway requires them to yield the right-of-way khổng lồ opposing traffic.
RAILROAD CROSSBUCK SIGN This sign is placed at a railroad crossing where the tracks cross the roadway. You should treat the crossbuck sign as a YIELD sign; slow down and prepare lớn stop, if you see or hear a train approaching. Refer khổng lồ Chapter 3 for more information about railroad crossing safety.
The DO NOT ENTER & WRONG WAY signs work as a team. The DO NOT ENTER sign is put at the beginning of one-way streets & ramps. When you see this sign, vì chưng not drive onto that street or ramp in the direction you are heading.
WRONG WAY signs are placed farther down the one-way street or ramp. They are placed there khổng lồ catch your attention if you accidentally turn onto the street or ramp.
The ONE-WAY sign means traffic is allowed lớn move only in the direction the sign is pointing. If you turn onto a one-way street traveling in the opposite direction, you are likely khổng lồ get into a head-on collision.
DIVIDED HIGHWAY. This sign means the road you are on intersects with a divided highway. The divided highway is really two, one-way roadways that are separated by a median or a guide rail. At the first roadway, you can only turn right, và at the second roadway, you can only turn left.
NO TRUCKS, NO BICYCLES, & NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. Operators of trucks, bicycles, và pedestrians may not use roadways where these signs are posted.
The following signs are located where certain actions are prohibited at any or all times:
NO U-TURN. This sign prohibits U-turns. Vị not make a complete turn lớn go in the opposite direction.
NO RIGHT TURN. This sign indicates right turns are prohibited. Vày not make a right turn at this intersection.
NO LEFT TURN. This sign indicates left turns are prohibited. Vì not make a left turn at this intersection.
NO PARKING. You may not park a vehicle at locations where this sign is posted.
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DO NOT PASS. This sign may be placed in areas where you may not pass any vehicles going in the same direction. It is often accompanied by the yellow pennant-shaped sign that says NO PASSING ZONE (Refer to lớn "Warning Signs").
Lane Use Control Signs
The following LANE USE CONTROL SIGNS (Directional) are placed at or near intersections above the traffic lane they control to show what maneuver(s) are permitted from that lane.
This sign indicates that at the intersection ahead traffic in the left lane must turn left & traffic in the adjoining lane may turn left or continue straight.
CENTER LANE LEFT TURN ONLY. This sign indicates where a lane is reserved for the exclusive use of left-turning vehicles in either direction và is not to lớn be used for through traffic or passing.
If you are in a lane controlled by signs lượt thích these, you may travel in either direction the arrows point.
If you are in a lane controlled by a sign with a turn arrow and the word "ONLY," when you reach the intersection, you must make the turn. You may travel only in the direction the arrow points, even if you are in the turn-only lane in error.
KEEP RIGHT. These signs direct drivers lớn keep lớn the right of the traffic island or divider.
RIGHT TURN SIGNAL. This sign is posted close to lớn a traffic signal to indicate that the signal controls right-turn movements.
For More Information: liên hệ Information: Kevin Sylvester at Kevin.Sylvester
This publication is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and liên kết information.
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Roadway signs in the United States increasingly use symbols rather than words khổng lồ convey their message. Symbols provide instant communication with roadway users, overcome language barriers, và are becoming standard for traffic control devices throughout the world. Familiarity with symbols on traffic signs is important for every road user in order khổng lồ maintain the safety và efficiency of our transportation facilities.
The màu sắc of roadway signs is an important indicator of the information they contain. The use of red on signs is limited to stop, yield, & prohibition signs. A white background indicates a regulatory sign; yellow conveys a general warning message; green shows permitted traffic movements or directional guidance; fluorescent yellow/green indicates pedestrian crossings và school zones; orange is used for warning và guidance in roadway work zones; coral is used for incident management signs;** blue indicates road user services, tourist information, & evacuation routes; and brown is for guidance lớn sites of public recreation or cultural interest.
Sign shape can also alert roadway users lớn the type of information displayed on a sign. Traffic regulations are conveyed in signs that are rectangular with the longer direction vertical or square. Additional regulatory signs are octagons for stop and inverted triangles for yield. Diamond-shaped signs signify warnings. Rectangular signs with the longer direction horizontal provide guidance information. Pentagons indicate school zones. A circular sign warns of a railroad crossing.
The illustration below shows how the shape and màu sắc of a sign indicate the nature of the message.
Test your Sign IQ by taking the interactive shape and màu sắc quiz available on the web at On the navigation bar under Knowledge, select Sign Shape/Color.
Standards for the sign design và application of the signs shown here as well as for other traffic control devices are contained in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices ( Dimension drawings for signs can be found in the Standard Highway Signs book. Both of these books are available in electronic format online at This web site also contains information on standard lettering used on highway signs and pavement markings and on highway sign màu sắc specifications.
Hard copies of the can be purchased from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (; the Institute of Transportation Engineers (; the American Traffic Safety Services Association (; & the US Government Printing Office ( The Standard Highway Signs book can be purchase from the US Government Printing Office and the American Traffic Safety Services Association through the website sites listed above.
Prepared in 2002 by the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Office of Transportation Operations
Warning SignsLimited Vehicle Storage Space Between Intersection and Tracks
Mandatory Movements in Lanes at an Intersection
Pedestrian Detour Signs
Bicycle Guide Signs
Pedestrian Signal Education Plaques
*This sign was anticipated for inclusion in the 2003 edition of the at the time of this printing.
**The use of coral for incident management signs was anticipated for inclusion in the 2003 edition of the at the time of this printing.
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